Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Gone, Bike Gone

Last Friday, after a hard working week, i went to the bicycle park to realise that my bike was not there... It felt rather awful, something that i used, a basic thing for me, a symbol of my independence for moving was taken away from me.

Immediately i called my partner. Then, i went to see the security officer of my university, where i work. They told me that i most likely left the lock unlocked, since it was left at the scene and unbroken. They gave me a form to fill up, which i took to the police station to denounce the crime.

At the police station, i had an even weirder experience. They have a small room where i picked up a phone, which directed me towards a switchboard. There i said i wanted to report a crime, that my bike was stolen. Afterwards, a very nice lady took all my information and provided me with a crime reference number. She said, that if i wanted to look for my bike, that i could check second hand shops and eBay. Fantastic. Case closed, at least on the surface.

That night i went to town, walked around. It was a very cold nigh. Then, I met with my partner for a drink. Afterwards, he took me home.

I was in eventual shock. It was a very disturbing feeling.

I know other people, many people, have serious problems in their lives and I should not be moaning about something so simple as having a bike stolen.

Well, it is now rather difficult to buy a new bike. I think to myself, if i buy a nice one, it increases it chances to be stolen again. If i buy a shitty one, or one i don't like too much, i will not be pleased with it. Humm, quite a dilemma for me (of the superficial kind of course).

In the meantime, I'm borrowing my partner's bike. It's a rattling rusty thing, and a bit big for me, but well, it's alright while i find my own. I know, although nasty, this is a minor incident. I'm fine, or am i not?

On Monday morning, when i arrived to work, when i was parking the bike, my hands were shaking. I then realised that that event did affected me more than i first thought.

Today, i felt better, and did not think much about the whole issue. Only in my lunch break, while walking on the streets, tried looking around in case i would see my old bike.

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