Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Effects from La Habitación de Fermat (Fermat's Room)

Finally, i get around to starting.

Human = chemical reaction? is my own persona experiment, after a couple of years of having ins and outs from my other shared blog, i thought that i ought to spare my other fellow bloggers from my constant ranting and keep it to my own space, and hopefully to share this with others.

Right, so while last Friday i decided to get with this blog, i left it to few days to sort it out. I am glad i waited, and that in the meantime i watched the film i mention in the title of this post, which has even given me more inspiration.

So, La habitación de Fermat is a film where some people are challenged under their mathematical way of approaching the world to figure their way out of death. I won't say more as i don't intend to spoil this to anyone. For me the most fascinating thing was that the film asserts that while humankind goes around complicating and solving the world scientifically, they also do so emotionally.

My overarching question and implied response is: which approach to the world has actually more weight for the people? While a scientist spends his life solving a mathematical problem, if achieving that, it is the gratification and becoming famous for doing so what matters. Is this a scientific thing or an emotional thing.

Even more, not solving a mathematical problem leaves humankind and the world as it was an instant before. Yet, solving a mathematical problem could cause a change (small or big) in humankind and the world.

Rather than playing the devil's advocate, i propose the same as what i started from: a question that could only have different answers and more different questions.

So far, i have some conclusions, which depend on the context under which i formulate them. For example, sometimes i have thought that we are more than just body and mind, and that we also have a soul. Other times, i stick with the question of 'what is the mind if not the soul?'. Some other times, 'what is the mind if not an intangible result from chemical reactions?'. Lately, i have been thinking, 'what are we if not the duality of body (chemical, organic, mechanic, etc) and a dash of something else that is intangible and inexplicable?'

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