Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Blackberry Bushes

Not only have we spent the weekend freakishly trying to pick as many blackberries as possible before the first freeze arrives (they promise it'll be today); but, we enjoyed a nice chilling activity just like in the previous years.

This all began when we lived in the country. It was a great cottage near the road and paths where we could go and collect seasonal fruits. This has been the first year in which i haven't gone to collect damsons, which made me feel a bit sad...

It took us a while to get a grip and rush for the blackberries. We played with the idea for way too long and I was afraid that the season was over. Some may say that by October 'the devil has touched the berries'. While this maybe be or not truth, i found lots of devilish fruits and finally had our first autommy crumble of the year. Such a fantastic presence the smells had in the kitchen. And, such a marvellous memory the spoonfuls of the crumble brought back to me. Warmth, happiness, anxiety, and many other nice autumn days that are long gone when i was still writing up my dissertation and spent many lonely days and many days alone.

I wanted to post a picture from a huge dragonfly i found in one of the blackberry bushes. You see, at this time of the year you don't find those creatures around anymore. Ah, one last thing. We were in the middle of the field getting the berries, it was such an interesting massive bush dividing the field into two because of a tiny stream. While being there and doing that, i forgot where i was, I completely lost the sense of orientation and spatial position. I was simply in another place, skipping thorns (not always successfully), having mouthfuls of blackberries, and probably biting into a snail or two.

Afterwards, my partner brought me back to the sense of reality, and took one of our usual paths and that reminded me of where we were. Strange the ways the brain can sometimes work in the nature.

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