Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Mindset: Relieved?

In my obsessive way of being, I contacted the main author of the scientific article. He kindly emailed me back, forwarding me the article, confirming that the data on 93% of mestizo population was indeed part of the INEGI calculations. Thus, indeed, the way in which the newspaper article was paraphrased was incorrect.

I know, you might think: don't you have anything better to do? Well, obviously I don't...

Interestingly, the author also mentioned about the data collection on ethnicity in Mexico by the INEGI is solely based on linguistic characteristics. This also confirmed that matters with regard to the view on indigenous population have not improved in mainstream Mexico. I could write a bit more about this, but I'll do it at another time. There are, indeed, complex explanations for that statement.

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