Having the knowledge of the basic division between the catholic and the protestant churches never prepared me to understand the basic real difference between people living under such worldviews. As of this instant, I think that because of that division, catholics would lack behind in "social Darwinism" terms. I'm saying this because catholics live their lives with deeply embedded -unfounded- fear. Protestants live their lives believing without fear. In the basic religious level, the latter need no fear ex-communion; need no fear hell/satan; neither the wrath of god. They believe in god, they believe in themselves, they work hard to get what they ought to get. That's all that matter. The catholic lives in fear of going to hell, so she confesses; leaves in fear of being ex-communicated so it remains married / or pretends not to care if gets divorced or gets together with a divorceé, etcetera. The catholic, does and does not do things out of irrational fear, and relies that god will help her to overcome. Her achievements take place with the help of god. The catholic was a king in France because god chose him; the protestant was a king in England because s/he was the heir to the throne or earned/defended it through war.
I've been aware of the unfounded fear, however I didn't share a thought about those living without the fear. Reading Weber back in the day, didn't made me understand that either. It was not the time for me to see that I guess. And not that it's clear to me, what do i make of it? I make the idea that due to fear, the people with this worldview may not have the ability to overcome the current troubles that take place in their lives, neither the issues of the upcoming days. As we know, none of the 'advanced world economies' is catholic, and still in spite of the current financial crises, the market led by capital from those countries furiously devours the rest of the world. If and when the crudest times come where the fittest will be those to survive, those fittest may be the ones that have not fear because they will believe in themselves, they will do what they have to do to 'pursue happiness', to preserve their way of life, not stopping to anything. Just as the alliance G.W. Bush & Blair/Brown & NATO has demonstrated; just as the endemic exploitation / abuse of the poor shows; as 'collecting charity' to save Africa from malaria puts clown make up on it. Indeed, I've known all of this, it's no news to anyone really. What added further understanding in my mind were the few degrees of separation that significantly have affected worldviews between those in some sort of control and the rest.