Saturday, 3 January 2009

Resting the routine is about to end...

I've got to admit that for once, in a very long time, I took the word rest to all its possible extent. Turned on the pc only to watch a couple of films while the man was watching footy, and basically only two days ago I turned on the computer properly, to check emails, search some stuff that I promised to my brother I was going to help him with, and currently I'm doing some other thing i promised to someone.

Holidays are such a rare thing nowadays, the promise to the worker that once in a while s/he will receive some spare time to be away from the madness of the working life. I say rare thing because i sometimes people only take days off here and there (which I have done some times). However, to take days off to completely disconnect from anything related to the world out there is almost impossible or we simply do not want to do that. Very few occasions I've done something that have involved only chilling by the beach (which failed this year because i got ill once i arrived to the beach and spent most of my time in bed with high fever). Other times, have gone to the middle of the forest.

However, this time was new, we spent the whole time on our own at home. Did hell of a lot of walking to and back from town. Ignored the shopping frenzy by simply not getting inside of the shops, just fooling around in cafes and pubs. Then back home, watching films and recorded series, playing board games, listening to music, talking to the family, reading a little bit, and once, we went to the beach.

The only heavy activity was cooking (taking place only three times). Once for Xmas, another time for the 'anniversary', and another time for new year's. The cooking implied spending most of a whole day in the kitchen, but hey, food was lovely. There is one last celebration tomorrow, and that will signalled, as usual, the end of the holiday season.

Have these days been of any use to me? Absolutely, and that is for one crucial reason: I had time for me only. I needed so much to get away from studies, work and anything related to that. Needed to see how I am doing in relation to everything that goes on in my everyday life. Learnt, for instance, that so many activities that I cherished in the past (prior to having a job), have become part of my routine. Therefore, while in the past I went to cinema as a much more enjoyable activity, during these days, I didn't have the need to do so because i knew that I would start going as soon as the holidays would end. That was a new discovery for me. For example, now that I've got a job, I don't have time to watch films at home as i did before. Especially, with studying and working at the same time, it makes free time rather scarce. I mean, nowadays, I only have time to watch a film here and there at home, but not like i did in the past. Thus cinema has become an everyday escape from home, a reason to stop studying...

Still, the two things that I verified are: how much I miss my family and having our conversations and ways of killing time together. I also verified that I terribly miss having a friend over here. It has been the most taxing event since i moved towns.

I enjoyed having time just to be and to think about some bits from the past, lots about the present, and most importantly, on the future. There will be much going on, as usual with me.

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