Thursday, 30 October 2008

When i thought that everything was lost... there i found a Black Devil Doll

Where to start? A couple of weekends ago, i was home, my hubby was ill, so not much to do in the outside world. I had then some time to check the usual websites with horror films' info and trailers. I have listed some of those links in this blog.

So, i was checking out some trailers. For example, i saw a few trailers from a mad film called: 'Zombie Strippers'. Don't need to say more, otherwise i'll spoil the fun. And then, the title to a fantastic film to set my eyes on: 'Black Devil Doll', by an American film maker named Jonathan Lewis. He seems to be a very clever chap with much knowledge of the so called 'giallo' films. I think it was there where he got me, no need for more. He's made a graceful homage to the work of Argento, for instance.

Since i was an older girl, eleven years old to be precise, before turning into a nasty teenager, i started watching Argento's and Bava's films. These films helped me to go through the social alienation i suffered as a teenager (I went to a stupid posh school with spoiled brats that didn't care to include me in their idiotic circle). In the long run, i learnt to be grateful. Who knows what waste would have become of me if i would have fit in that kind of Mexican/semi-upper class system. Don't even want to dare to think about that possibility.

Anyway, that's my background in a nutshell. Horror films and books were part of my self-help back in the day. So far, until the present they remain a very important part of my life. For instance, last year, I began attending the London 'Fright Fest', which is a great opportunity to watch mad horror films with people alike. The link to that website is also listed in this blog.

Sorry for the detour.

Thus yes, I'm one of the most looking forward kind of people to watch this film. Black Devil Doll is about a diabolically possessed black doll who rapes and kills white chicks. Yes, you read it right. But, it is supposed to be only a doll... yet after a satanic rite, things go wrong, very wrong. This is one of the most sleazy things i've come across in a while, it's a mixture of horror films, blaxploitation and whitexploitation, and all other sorts of exploitations. Simply magnificent and funny. I guess i would have to wait until i can buy the dvd, which seem to become available by December.

For more info you can click on the film's poster image i've added in this blog. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 21 October 2008


Blackberry Bushes

Not only have we spent the weekend freakishly trying to pick as many blackberries as possible before the first freeze arrives (they promise it'll be today); but, we enjoyed a nice chilling activity just like in the previous years.

This all began when we lived in the country. It was a great cottage near the road and paths where we could go and collect seasonal fruits. This has been the first year in which i haven't gone to collect damsons, which made me feel a bit sad...

It took us a while to get a grip and rush for the blackberries. We played with the idea for way too long and I was afraid that the season was over. Some may say that by October 'the devil has touched the berries'. While this maybe be or not truth, i found lots of devilish fruits and finally had our first autommy crumble of the year. Such a fantastic presence the smells had in the kitchen. And, such a marvellous memory the spoonfuls of the crumble brought back to me. Warmth, happiness, anxiety, and many other nice autumn days that are long gone when i was still writing up my dissertation and spent many lonely days and many days alone.

I wanted to post a picture from a huge dragonfly i found in one of the blackberry bushes. You see, at this time of the year you don't find those creatures around anymore. Ah, one last thing. We were in the middle of the field getting the berries, it was such an interesting massive bush dividing the field into two because of a tiny stream. While being there and doing that, i forgot where i was, I completely lost the sense of orientation and spatial position. I was simply in another place, skipping thorns (not always successfully), having mouthfuls of blackberries, and probably biting into a snail or two.

Afterwards, my partner brought me back to the sense of reality, and took one of our usual paths and that reminded me of where we were. Strange the ways the brain can sometimes work in the nature.

Friday, 17 October 2008

Even After a Cup of Coffee

Afternoon, in the office, had a little celabration -sandwiches, great proper cake, the usual crips and dips, nasty Asti-. After that, have to go back to my desk, sit down and try to return to my work. Or were was I? Reading Husserl's transcendetal phenomenology. I just enjoy reading that, but can't get around at the moment. Not because of boredom with my self, but because there are some issues here at the office that arose during the celebration and about which I feel strong. Therefore, my mind tells me just to go home and take a rest after the psychological effort i put on.

But, well, can't throw the towell. Everybody is still here, so i must do so too.

Monday, 13 October 2008

I don't want to eat cloned animals...

I just came across an article in the NYT published on the 4th of October, and it's entitled: 'Coming to a Plate Near You'. This informs the Americans, but obviously this has repercussions elsewhere, that produce from cloned and genetically modified animals will be made available to us consumers. To us consumers who cannot afford/access expensive organic food. Furthermore, it seems like that food agencies do not intend to regulate this to the core and intend less to inform us about the origins of the animals. Transparency does not seem to be the core element of these sort of campaigns.

I know that we have been consuming genetically manipulated vegetables and legumes for years. I also know that little we can do to escape the effects of these scientific advancements. However, this increases my concern. It does scare me that, while they try to maximise the production from farmers and consumption of us all, and boost the economy, all the genetic manipulations made on animals, are passed on to us and to the nature as well. I wonder if the scientists (those working on those labs companies) have forgotten about the food chain and that thing we refer to as 'ecosystem'. I think in a very simple way: we put a genetically modifies/cloned creature in the world. This creature needs to eat, shag, shit and sooner than later will be killed to feed us. Us, will eat it, and then will shag, shit and die. All of these are actions and reactions in theirs and our bodies and this is deposited back into the nature/ecosystem/somewhere on planet Earth anyway. Moreover, whatever that stays in our body, is transmitted to others, particularly our children. And this is a long-lasting chain.

Whilst I am aware that I may sound like a mad paranoid retrograde person, I have always, perhaps because of my upbringing -my dad is a scientist-, questioned all of those genetic manipulations and the consequences that they may have on everything that is alive. I know, that this food is cheap and accessible to as many as possible. And i know, we have to eat. But, it is so upsetting to know that we as consumers are also part, unwittingly, of the experiments. Do scientists ever question that? Have they left aside the notion of 'preventive' medicine? In my view, these actions are not addressing the consequences.

This image is borrowed from the NYT, 12th of October:

The link for the opinion section is:

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Gone, Bike Gone

Last Friday, after a hard working week, i went to the bicycle park to realise that my bike was not there... It felt rather awful, something that i used, a basic thing for me, a symbol of my independence for moving was taken away from me.

Immediately i called my partner. Then, i went to see the security officer of my university, where i work. They told me that i most likely left the lock unlocked, since it was left at the scene and unbroken. They gave me a form to fill up, which i took to the police station to denounce the crime.

At the police station, i had an even weirder experience. They have a small room where i picked up a phone, which directed me towards a switchboard. There i said i wanted to report a crime, that my bike was stolen. Afterwards, a very nice lady took all my information and provided me with a crime reference number. She said, that if i wanted to look for my bike, that i could check second hand shops and eBay. Fantastic. Case closed, at least on the surface.

That night i went to town, walked around. It was a very cold nigh. Then, I met with my partner for a drink. Afterwards, he took me home.

I was in eventual shock. It was a very disturbing feeling.

I know other people, many people, have serious problems in their lives and I should not be moaning about something so simple as having a bike stolen.

Well, it is now rather difficult to buy a new bike. I think to myself, if i buy a nice one, it increases it chances to be stolen again. If i buy a shitty one, or one i don't like too much, i will not be pleased with it. Humm, quite a dilemma for me (of the superficial kind of course).

In the meantime, I'm borrowing my partner's bike. It's a rattling rusty thing, and a bit big for me, but well, it's alright while i find my own. I know, although nasty, this is a minor incident. I'm fine, or am i not?

On Monday morning, when i arrived to work, when i was parking the bike, my hands were shaking. I then realised that that event did affected me more than i first thought.

Today, i felt better, and did not think much about the whole issue. Only in my lunch break, while walking on the streets, tried looking around in case i would see my old bike.