Thursday, 20 August 2009

Another example of the Mexican Unlawful and Racist Legal and Police Systems

This is a link to a brief interview -reported in The Guardian- made to an Otomi (indigenous Mexican) woman who has been unlawfully sentenced to 21 years in jail.
She is just one of thousands of indigenous people in Mexico who are unjustifiably imprisoned. As it clearly says in her comments, she did not speak Spanish, was never presented to an interpreter, and did not know first hand the reason why she was put into jail. Basically, she was put into jail because some police officers accuse her of kidnapping them, which of course is a false accusation. What their intentions were, I don't know. It is truly a heartbreaking story, because is part of the history that repeats itself in Mexico, which is a racist country that remains segregating and abusing the indigenous people.

As few news present this kind of information abroad, it is massively important to show that in Mexico the 'law' is a scary place to be. The Mexican police in all its current shapes, is an authoritarian force that would most likely abuse the power it has in order to exert whichever agenda it has. No one seems to be able to do anything about it. It only induces deep fear in me.

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