Monday, 27 April 2009

Personal Experiences on the Influenza in Mexico

The link below is from the BBC News, with real personal points of view from Mexicans. Please read them, as they display the fears; what people are experiencing, especially in hospitals; about the lack of information from the government; and, the general uncertainty about what is going on there.

The following is from the BBC News website.

Mexico flu: Your experiences

The only thing I would like to add is that I would wish that the UK people, would not be so arrogant as to think that 'this could only happen' in such an underdeveloped country or third world country. I heard an expression on this line this morning in BBC Breakfast, were the GP that often goes there to give advice spoke in this manner.

I think that people should also show some concern about the terrible amount of deceased in Mexico, instead of only being concerned about their backyards. I only perceive a profound poverty of sympathy here. It's saddening.


Raul said...


I've got to here from "El Pais", and I have to say I totally agree with you about the BBC Breakfast "show", I was thinking to myself "How can they be so arrogant?" did not see any sign of even empathy

Any I hope it gets better soon over there


Xinola said...

Gracias Raúl. Salud igualmente.