Monday, 6 April 2009

To know, to learn that one disturbs

Well, talking about brain reactions to experiences. I've recently learnt that I didn't know about the effects my way of life and worldviews have had on my VIP. I didn't know the extent to which being in certain way, let's say a bit existential, could affect so much someone to the extent of making them live the world that way, to a degree that takes them by surprise. I'm confused now that I know that.

Having that knowledge means that I should take some responsibility. But do I have to change my way of life so I don't affect my significant other? Should that significant other acknowledge that such is the way I relate to the world? I've always attach responsibility to relationships. Once one learns and thus gets to know how someone is, our duty towards ourselves is honesty, and decide on whether continuing or not a relationship with the person (this applies to all areas of life). Is this totally insane? Is this a result of some bizarre chemical functions in my brain? Or is this just the way I am in relation to the social? Could one, should one even differentiate between the two?

It seems to me that a reason why my way of being has penetrated my VIP so much is because there was an initial -unknown- tendency to be that way. Why not? Aren't we all descendants from the same ape? Shouldn't we in general but randomly share similar genes and tendencies towards the self and the social? I've always said that one does not make others' attitudes, responses, actions. Bien au contraire, we do have those elements in ourselves, they are only latent.

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