Thursday, 30 June 2011

Back to Basics

Well, it has been really long time since I decided to give myself time to write over here. I have actually been toying with the idea of revamping this blog, but for one reason or the other, I have not done so.

I would like to retake my writing because I need to have this kind of place to put down my ideas and feelings. Whether I will do it, it's another matter.

So, my main motivator for coming back to writing, has been that as of this moment, and for unknown time, I don't know on whether I'll have a job or not. I work in the higher education sector, and I work in a university that is slashing departments, because they need to adjust their finance. Because this is not a good university, it has terrible reviews due to the poor performance of demotivated staff, and less students will want to put their big money in this university. Therefore, in order to afford the lowering in students numbers, they are shrinking departments, eliminating jobs, and increasing the workload of others.

Where I am now, won't exist as it exists currently. It has already been restructured, however we, the employees, will not know what will happen to us until probably mid-July. In mid-July I will be out of the country, which means that my director will have to phone me up to tell me the news about my position. Isn't this lovely? I'm not moaning, as I know other people have it harder. I'm only being sarcastic, which is the only way I feed myself in circumstances like this.

Now, I am waiting to know. In the meantime, I keep myself busy, and try to think less when I can about the possibility of not having an income for an unprecise amount of time.

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