Friday, 18 December 2009

Waiting, days counting

Well, xmas, wedding anniversary, new year and even my birthday are almost here. The last two weeks of December and the start of the new year are always eventful days in my life. This time around is the most eventful ever in my life. Baby is coming out, sooner or later, and we are waiting for it.

There are times in the day that I fell quite well, not baby related thoughts. However, there are other moments when all that I could only have in my mind is baby and wondering about its livelihood inside of me. What is the secret life of a foetus? What does it do in there all day long? Must be quite boring, I think. It doesn't get much light, only hears the stupid music I listen to, the sounds of the kitchen (which is the place I spend a lot of my time), the sound of the telly (seldom on), and my laughter and conversations with my other-half. Ah, it may also sense when I move and it gets uncomfortable, just as I do. Must hear the sounds of the street, cars and bicycles, people. Now that I've written all of this, I think that it does have lots of stimuli, many things go on around it. The main difference between now and when it comes out from me, is that then, it will be (hopefully) less uncomfortable and very noisy!!!

I think that its participatory existence will be the strangest of situations for all of us. Although it currently participates of our lives, it does not have as much of an impact as it will have once it's out! I cannot begin to imagine the impact of its presence in our lives.

In the meantime, it is xmas preparation. Have the ham, and a list of many things that we need to gather like the squirrels we are. Also, need to decorate the house. The only decoration I've got around are the xmas cards we've received from family and friends. The cheap faux-tree has been in the kitchen for few days already... we've been too busy doing other stuff. Today, we shall make this house xmasssy.

Tomorrow, I'll try to figure out how to entertain myself once again.

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